Want an AMAZING Relationship?

If you’ve ever had an intimate relationship of any kind you know how difficult they can be…

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could craft that one AMAZING relationship? The one where we understand our partner, the communication is clear and welcome, there’s implicit trust, sex whenever we desire, consistent growth, and financial freedom! That kind of relationship IS possible…but they are few and far between.


Because nobody ever taught us how to be IN a relationship! There are thousands of books and YouTube channels on how to attract a partner…but where’s all the info on how to maintain the relationship?

‘The Change In Your Relationship Starts With You’

This is the e-book I wrote, straight out of my own experiences from life. I went from one difficult relationship to another UNTIL I was able to determine the issues. I discovered 9 distinct ways that I was unintentionally tanking each relationship. After I discovered them, it was just a matter of changing some things about how I showed up…

And now I have THE BEST relationship in the world and we both couldn’t be happier!

Kevin and Melanie

The things I discovered about myself, I also see in other men. It’s way easier to see the issues from the outside. It’s so difficult to see in ourselves without the tools to do so. This book gives you those tools.

I outline the 9 specific ways to immediately begin improving your relationship. Some of them you may instantly recognize in yourself, some may not resonate with you, but…

You will come away from reading this book with a better comprehension of who you are, you’ll have simple mindset shifts to keep you on the right path, and you’ll understand how you treat yourself….which can only help in creating an amazing relationship.

Hundreds of men and women have already seen their relationships take a turn for the better after reading this book.

Here are a few reviews from Amazon:

“This book is spot on written for me. It covers a lot of probably my biggest weaknesses. The bad news is that I am not the only one. The good news is this book can help you as it has helped me. It’s a fast read, well worth the $10 investment in yourself to grow especially if you value the quality of your life that you’re living and the relationships you keep. Get yourself a copy of this and go forth as your future. After reading this and enjoying it I did some more research on Kevin and I would also recommend his private fb group Effortless Alphas. It is really a continuation of where I am trying to go in my life.
Biggest takeaways were boundaries and loving myself.”
– Anthony F.
“This is an amazing read, for both men and women alike (helps us women understand men more). I’ve been following Kevin on Facebook, and have been amazed with all I have learned so far. He is definitely an amazing example and helping to lead the way for how men can improve their relationships and lives. Seriously, everyone should get this eBook! I definitely give it 5 stars!”
– EarnYourStripesAndRoar
“If you don’t have the relationship you desire, this book may give you the answer.
If you want to improve your relationship, this book may give you the answer.
If you’re looking for answers, this book is a good place to start!”
Wendy F.

These are just a few of the reviews available from Amazon.
There are many more and you are welcome to check them out!

Normally, this book is only available on Amazon for $10.00.
However, because you’ve come here, to the Effortless Alpha site and have shown interest in improving yourself, your relationships, and your life, I’d like to offer you the book for FREE!

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Thank you SO much! I’ll see you online.